13-14 MARCH
Next Gen 2-day
Sessions and data
Dedicated to Spanish
Short-Term Rentals operators
7-8 MAY
Dedicated to Professional
STR Property Managers
across Germany,
Austria and Switzerland
Meet, Learn, & Scale
The online education-sharing forum
for Short-Term Rental Professionals worldwide
The Premium Series of Events For STR Professionals
What They Said

Want to thank Damian Sheridan and Gianpaolo Vairo for their #ScaleRentalsSummit event in Barcelona last week. It was an event of learning and connect with new friends, sponsors and property managers. I look froward seeing you next year again in Barcelona
Manuel Lozano

Incredible few days in Barcelona last week at the Scale Rentals Show. Some very insightful presentations, and massive value to be had from networking with other Property Managers. Well done to Damian Sheridan & Gianpaolo Vairo on pulling this one together, we will be back next year!
Ben Duncan

I'm hoping ScaleRentals is the first of many. We witnessed a collective audience representing 30,000 properties, which would equal the inventory of the 3rd largest rental company in the world! With this number of liked minded professionals all networking in a post-Covid atmosphere of enthusiasm and anticipation, the outcome was great with plenty of takeaways of new product opportunities, strategies and information. Not to mention meeting newfound friends and old colleagues and all in a great location. Not to be missed!
Richard Vaughton

Back from 2 incredible days in #Barcelona where the Scale Rentals Show was held Very interesting presentations, from the importance of #tech and data in this market, to the ecological and #sustainable aspect of it The short term rental market is in full expansion and this is only the beginning! Thanks to Damian Sheridan and Gianpaolo Vairo for making this possible
Jules Mercier

Last week I was at the Scale Rentals Show, an event for property managers oriented to scale with professionalism. It was good to connect and learn from many property managers and short term rental associations. Thank you, Gianpaolo Vairo Damian Sheridan , Simon Lehmann Deborah Labi and the entire Scale Rentals Show organisation's team
Filipa Leitao de Aguiar

The first Scale Rentals Show and I’m incredibly proud to have represented Nox Cape Town here in Barcelona for the past few days. Been outstanding to meet our industry partners; to learn from the best in the industry and to be inspired about our segment of this incredible industry. I’ve learnt a lot and met so many great people
Nick Taylor

Massive congratulations to my great friend Damian Sheridan and his business partner Gianpaolo Vairo for putting on one of the best #shorttermrentals events in the World, over the last two days in Barcelona. I feel privileged and humbled to have networked, hung out with, drink beer, and have proper belly laughs with, the most respected property managers, speakers, creative entrepreneurs, consultants, and software gurus in The Short Term Rentals sector.
Steve Taggert

Last week we attended the Scale Rentals Show in Barcelona. More than 100 property management companies from around the globe and more than 20 countries were reunited in this incredible show. Useful content, specialist providers in #STR and great speakers. Thank you Damian Sheridan and Gianpaolo Vairo for organizing such event. Looking forward for the next one!
Sandra Roig

Thanks Scale Rentals Show for a fantastic experience. It is always terrific to catch up with old and new friends of the short term rentals industry. Manuela Lucia Garcia Matas and me will come next year for sure.